Scripture Reading - Mark 9:43 KJV

And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:

Recently we have been studying “Relationships” among various people. We have looked at “Surface Relationships” for those you only know on a surface level (common general information). We have also reviewed “Ministry Mode” for those people you help as unto the Lord expecting nothing in return. We have also looked at “Business Mode” for those relationships in which it is nothing personal just strictly mutual benefit. We have taught on “Employee Mode” which speaks to benefitting the company as a representative of Christ Jesus for the good of all people. In one lesson we spoke about "Honoring Authoritative Relationships” because they are God ordained. We have taught on “submitting” to those over you in an “Authoritative Relationship” when you disagree with your leader’s decision. We have discussed handling conflict between yourself and an authority figure on grey areas that are not sin. A discussion on handling “Needy People” in your relationships has also taken place. This lesson we will briefly teach on “Broken Relationships”. When speaking on “Broken Relationships” we are pointing out those relationships which used to be whole (complete, satisfying) but changed for the worse (broken, fractured). Yes, we (ihlcc) believe that certain relationships should be broken for a couple of reasons. One reason to have a “broken relationship” is when the other person’s lifestyle offends you in word or deed. These are those people who act in a way that is contrary to your conscience. Today’s scripture is very clear to separate (cut-off) people that can cause you to go toward hell due to pinned up anger and frustration. Yes, this does include those people who are opposite to your beliefs and convictions because they are probably not looking to change their behavior and neither are you looking to change your lifestyle (personality or your ways). It is wisdom to keep those types of people at a safe distance because arguing and getting into strife is counterproductive. Another good example of “broken relationships” are people you decide to part with because of unequal passions. Yes, some people may want to be closer to you but you know in your heart that they are not right for your future and/or peace of mind. This does not mean that the other person is evil it could just be that their vision for the future is very different from yours. It is foolish to try to change another person to fit your plans because wisdom teaches to partner with those who have like passions (desires, vision and purposes) as you. It is even good to have a “broken relationship” with family members who refuse to except you because of your new found faith in Jesus Christ once you became a born again Christian. “Broken Relationships” are also healthy for people who just choose to avoid you. As Christians we should never be offended to the point that we are unwilling to forgive someone else. We never should let a “broken relationship” with a person (or a group of people) frustrate us to the point of having a “broken relationship” with God that stops all fellowship with the Lord. With that in mind we must be mindful to keep an open heart when it comes to the desires of another. There will be certain people who just decide in their heart not to be close to you, those same people should be given the freedom to release you from their life. A Believer should never be bitter or angry with another for the sole reason that they want to distance themselves from you. This type of separation behavior is the plight of every Christian who wholeheartedly desires to follow Christ Jesus, our precious Lord and Savior. It is God’s Will for complete separation when someone else’s peace is at stake and yes, even if your peace is at stake. Why, because God’s burden is easy and His yoke is light, which basically means the Lord never forces relationships that are one sided (only favoring or fulfilling the other person). The Lord only endorses mutual benefit because He is the God of all (pure) Love. So don’t feel bad about the “broken relationships” in your life because now you realize they are a part of everyone’s life. Yes, even every Christian’s life in Jesus Christ, our God. Just remember that any “Broken Relationship” can be healed when people are open and willing to walk in God’s Love under the guidance of God’s Word. Amen.